By Lori Bonati

I’ve written and recorded a song about iguanas. Read on to learn why my songwriting career has taken this reptilian turn.
My friend Elaine Powers is an author and biologist who lives and works with reptiles. Her pets include iguanas, tortoises, tegu lizards, and a turtle. She currently is actively involved in saving endangered iguanas in the Caribbean.
As Elaine explained to me recently, rock iguanas and spiny-tail iguanas living in Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and other islands have become endangered due to habitat loss and introduced (non-native) predators. Spiny-tails are sometimes consumed by humans. The Statia iguanas on St. Eustatius Island are threatened by hybridization with the non-native green iguana. Some iguanas, while warming themselves on asphalt highways, get run over by cars, either accidentally or for sport. And then there’s poaching for the pet trade. Elaine’s group is trying to educate the public about the importance of native iguanas to the local ecosystem.
After hearing about the plight of the iguanas, I decided to write a song about them. Elaine had the song animated by Anderson Atlas, and she posted it on her YouTube channel.
To see and hear the video, click the following link:
There’s even an iguana joke at the end of the song.
I’m hoping the song catches on in the Caribbean. Do they have some version of a Grammy there? Maybe a Caribby? I’d settle for a paid vacation. But the real prize would be helping the iguanas to survive and thrive on their native island homes.
I’d love to hear your comments, and sharing is always appreciated!