Seven ways to motivate your students to do their assignments:
- Give them a reason why they should.
- A poll of the students in my 6th grade Language Arts class:
- “I want to get good grades”
- “I know I will need this education later in life”
- “My mom and dad expect me to do well.”
- “I want to go on to seventh grade.”
- “I want to be in student council and be a tutor.”
- “I want to get a good job when I grow up.”
- “I want to do well so I can be a better person.”
- A poll of the students in my 6th grade Language Arts class:
- Give a lot of individual genuine praise.
- Ways to say “Good Job”
- “You’ve got your brain in gear today!”
- “That was first class work.”
- “Congratulations, you got it right!”
- “You’ve got the hang of it.
- “That’s an interesting way of looking at it.”
- “That’s “A” work.
- “Keep working on it; you’re improving.”
- “You are learning fast.”
- “Keep up the good work!”
- “It looks like it is going to be a super paper.”
- Ways to say “Good Job”
- Choose subjects that interest them and are “cool” to work on.
- Provide extra time and extra chances for them to complete their work.
- Take a lot of time to explain concepts and directions well.
- Make subjects easy to understand.
- Speak in language of their grade level, not in teacher-ese.
- Make things seem easier than they really are.
- Math doesn’t have to have “problems.” It can have “situations.” And harder problems can become “fancier situations.”
Marilyn Buehrer is a teacher, and creator of the comprehensive educational supplemental workbooks published by Lyric Power Publishing.