Monday is National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day by Elaine A. Powers, Author

Image courtesy of Media Monk from Pixabay

Trust me when I say the odds are high that my virtual desktop will be cleaned on Monday, October 21, 2019. I don’t mind clicking delete to tidy up my file list, or cleaning out the computer cache, and I do like a tidy document file.

However, outside the computer, as my friends will tell you, I like clutter. I live in clutter. I thrive in clutter. And I certainly agree with the University of Minnesota study in 2013 that showed that people with a cluttered desk are more intelligent and creative!

Even Albert Einstein said, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

So, please, if you are so inclined, give your virtual desktop a good cleaning on Monday, but leave that cluttered physical desk alone.

If you’d like to see the results of a cluttered desk, please see the science-based and fun children’s books I’ve written in the midst of it all!
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CURTIS CURLY-TAIL COMES ALIVE ON YOU TUBE!a curly tail lizard on a bahamian beach with blue sky and ocean, sand and green plants
Elaine A Powers Author Conservationalist Biologist
Click Image to Hear “Don’t Call Me Turtle!”image of woman reading book at tucson botanical gardens
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