DIY Your Writing Retreat!

With the busyness of everyday life, I often find myself longing for a few days alone when I can immerse myself in putting words onto a page. Some of my author friends take a month off in this pursuit of focus and productivity. Others can go into an office and shut the door on the world. I can’t do either. I couldn’t stand being away from my fur and scale babies for more than a week, and I write at my dining room table so I’m not shutting myself off from the world. 

Time to Retreat!

I long for a few days away, such as at a retreat. When I search for writing retreats, I discover many choices. There are place-themed retreats (Hawaii or the Northeast), activity-themed retreats (yoga), genre-themed retreats (mysteries, Westerns), and different conveyances (ship, train). With my present pursuits of riding and writing, I look for horse-related retreats. There is one that looks particularly attractive up in Wyoming. I am okay with hauling my horse, but I don’t think I will be taking Poncho up to Wyoming anytime soon, so I could ride other horses. Unfortunately, this retreat is in the summer, and this coming summer, I’ll be the writer-in-residence for the Pima County Library. I’m not traveling anywhere. Maybe in 2025.

Yet, a writing retreat can be anywhere that fits your needs. I need chunks of time without responsibilities. I had a few lovely days writing in a hotel before Iguana Fest in Punta Gorda, Florida.

Elaine and fellow author at a Florida Writing retreat.

Making Time for Writing

I’m writing this blog from the front room of my cousin Rick’s house during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I have a table to put my laptop on, a comfy sofa, and animals to keep me company. The bed is quite comfortable, the bathroom convenient, and I can get up whenever possible. He provides me with delicious food, and I know I can start each day with my favorite bagel and lox. Fuel for the soul. He lets me use his car if I want to roam around my hometown, but this time, I will only get together with a few friends and enjoy most of the days writing, writing, and more writing. I won’t be bored. I have enough writing tasks (Fun Facts for the videos, blogs for marketing, and books to finish). I like it when the weather cooperates by being rainy, cloudy, and cold. Perfect climate conditions to remain housebound.

Rick prepares the evening meals, and then we relax in the evenings (I still manage a few written lines during this relaxation period). Last night, I got caught up on emails.

An additional perk during the holidays is all his neighbors feel he needs a bit of holiday cheer since he is a widower: cookies, fudge, coated pretzels (my favorite), pie, etc. It would be disrespectful not to taste and share them with him. 

Two types of fudge made by Elaine's cousin's neighbors.

I conclude that you don’t need to spend much money or go somewhere special. Carve out a few days for a change and isolation (but not too isolated) so you can commune with your muse. Being productive is its reward!

Happy Writing! May the muse be with you in 2024! I am already busy booking my writing retreats and events for 2025, find out where I’ll be on my author website.

CURTIS CURLY-TAIL COMES ALIVE ON YOU TUBE!a curly tail lizard on a bahamian beach with blue sky and ocean, sand and green plants
Elaine A Powers Author Conservationalist Biologist
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