I don’t usually pay attention to the weekly horoscopes printed in the local newspapers. If I do read them, it is for their entertainment value. But now and then, the horoscope can seem accurate and written specifically for me. Take the following one, for example.
Join me as I break down exactly how accurate this prediction is. And why this blog must have been written in the stars.
“A memory isn’t necessarily a story unless you turn it into one.”
My first children’s book was inspired by my interaction with a curly-tailed lizard. The memory of that encounter is still vivid and one of my favorites. When interviewed about my writing efforts, I recount my afternoon with Curtis, the curly-tail lizard of Warderick Wells. He was truly a remarkable lizard, interested in interacting with several very large mammals (my friends and me).
The omens recommend I continue my storytelling, which is how I educate others about science while entertaining. I hope my readers realize my love of science as well as my love of life. Every day should be fully enjoyed, whether you are dealing with troubles or engaging in pleasurable activities.
“Recall, mold, and edit your memories for maximum impact.”
This seems to me to refer to the process of writing the first draft, then editing, rewriting, and editing again until it is the best story it can be.
“A practice of regular sharing helps with this.”
And yes, regular sharing is crucial. Initially, the story is shared with my critique group members. Sometimes, I have children give me feedback – they provide the best constructive criticism. Then the editors do their important work. Finally, I have a story I can share with people, in the form of a book. Sometimes, the story is shared orally, in talks I give to groups.
Whatever method I choose, the horoscope is correct. Unfortunately, I don’t know who to give credit to for this horoscope. Even though I know it was written for a very broad audience, I felt it speaking to me. Isn’t that what horoscopes are supposed to do? I need to share my memories with others as stories and I should do it regularly!
Visit my website, ElaineAPowers.com, to keep up-to-date with the newest versions, in newly published books, of my memories. Hopefully, sharing my books will create happy memories for you, too.
You’ll notice that there is no date on this horoscope. Of course, I plan to make this my daily horoscope for years to come. Thank you for visiting with me. While you’re reading this blog, I’ll be immersing myself in memories while putting my fingertips to laptop keys. Keep telling those stories!