Making Friends in Pinedale, AZ

On the first Saturday in June, I was invited to participate in a literary event at the Pinedale, AZ library. Entitled “Some of my Friends are Authors,” it was a brilliantly conceived event! First, it had authors, so that children can meet real people who write the books they read. Then, the kids moved to the activity tables with their vast assortment of hands-on toys. My favorite was the Lego track with the battery-operated trucks that zipped around. I behaved myself and resisted the urge to make them crash. There was a fire station and toy version of items found in the home. An array of entertainment for most children! Let me tell you more about this wonderful event in Pinedale, AZ.

Fun in Pinedale

My favorite part of the event was the idea that the children could then create their own stories and pictures about the toys they had just played with. The librarians had created blank pages, and stapled mock-up books – the kind we picture book authors use to lay out our stories. Because writing books is strenuous work, they also had drinks and snacks for sale.

As I mentioned before, it was a brilliantly conceived and executed event. I met the organizer at a book festival in Tucson. I was honored she had bought several of my titles to stock in the library. After all, my purpose in writing these books is to educate. Pinedale is located north of Tucson in a ponderosa pine forest in the White Mountains, but I hoped there would be interest in the plants and animals of the Sonoran Desert to their south. Of course, who doesn’t love turtles and tortoises? And they have rattlesnakes up there, too. 

Traveling with my Friends

Speaking of turtles and tortoises, as a bonus, I took along one of each, Trevor Box Turtle and Mosaic Sonoran Desert Tortoise. They are both small and traveled well. The week prior, I had taken larger tortoises to an event where they would interact with people, but a large tortoise has a lot of strength and I spent the entire time just holding on to them!

Elaine's table setup at the Pinedale event.

The organizer had advertised extensively and people had expressed interest. I thought they might even pull some people from the nearby “big” city of Show Low (summer population of 12,000). Pinedale has about 500 people in residence. Optimistically, I had packed a good number of each of my titles in the “Don’t” series and a few others that might be of interest. I can never predict what titles are going to attract people to events.

Even if it wasn’t a big sales day, I thought a drive into the mountains would be a nice change of scenery, a chance to refresh the muse, and let Max the dog enjoy some cooler temperatures. He is not a hot-weather dog. He does love car rides!

I hadn’t driven up SR-77 & 60 to Show Low for 12 years and had forgotten what the road was like. The landscape is magnificent. The curves around the mountains with sheer drop-offs to the outside are terrifying. I wasn’t convinced the guard rails were sufficient to prevent a car or truck from going over the edge. I maintained my focus on the road. Overlooks to stop and admire the view are scattered along the way.

I got to the Pinedale Library event and set up on a picnic table. The other authors had books set in the Renaissance and Old West, creative new versions of fairy tales, and non-fiction books about people and their jobs.

Elaine and new friends at the event.

Even though I’ve done many book events, this was the first time for Max and Mosaic. They both did very well. Sadly, the attendance did not go so well. Only a few families came. One girl did start her picture book. We sold a few books, discussed book publishing and the dreaded marketing, and I enjoyed the cooler temps. Max met other dogs and worked on his social skills, the chelonians Trevor and Mosaic were held by thrilled children, and I had a day of relaxation. Oh, and professional chefs provided the lunch!

I did get to see one of the famous tourist sites in Pinedale – the only covered bridge in Arizona!

The covered bridge near Pinedale.

In addition to the mind-enhancing books and activities, there’s a great playground, basketball court, and musical outdoor exhibits. They are expecting their glockenspiel soon, but you can play the metal flower in the meantime. I was a bit disappointed the petals all had the same pitch. I was hoping to play some harmony. Max and I had a great walk around the library grounds.

Some people may ask if it was worth the time, effort, and expense to go to this event. It was. Seeing the joy on a young girl’s face as she held a tortoise for the first time – yes, it was worth it.

If you’re ever in the Pinedale area, check out the library. Tell them, Elaine and Max sent you!

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Elaine A Powers Author Conservationalist Biologist
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